Favourite purchase of the week!

Today I purchased the most amazing coat EVER! 

I have been waiting to buy this for myself for a couple of weeks and finally saved up the pennies, spent less on some food shopping and I went and bought myself the coat. 

This is a mountain horse Crew Jacket II Royal blue. 

I have wanted a riding jacket for a while, I was wearing quite a thick jacket that was fluffy (the only thing I had suitable) and was getting very hot mid ride and having to take it off, never really felt the part when riding though, everyone else always has nice jackets and I was feeling a bit like the odd one out.  

I love this jacket, the colour is my favourite and it's not too thick inside I will get too hot, it is also water proof so while the weather is a bit on and off. 

I purchased the coat from Robinson in Cannock, this is a horsey shop and I recommend a visit to one of their branches if you are an avid horse lover, they have everything under the sun for a horse lover. 

The jacket was £85 in store, however it is cheaper online, but seeing as I went there to try on a size that fits I just had to buy it in-store so I would have it in time for my lesson on Tuesday. 

Have you ever purchased from Robinson before? 
If you are a horsey lover I recommend the shop! or if you want a nice outdoor jacket, they have lots of lovely different styles and colours. 


  1. I'm out of budget for the next couple of weeks :D I guess it's all for good as there is so many things I would buy!

  2. Oooh this is cute! Not something I'd go for, but definitely practical for the weather...I've just been braving it with a hoodie and an umbrella :P

  3. This isnt something I would usually buy, I think the name persuaded me a little, as well as the colour :)


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