My fake fiance - Film review

After a busy day I decided to put a film on Netflix, I chose my fake fiance..

it didn't look that interesting to begin with and thought it started off a little odd, but it is actually hilarious in some places. I had a good little laugh.

The plot of the story is "Jennifer and Vince, virtual strangers, find themselves strapped for cash and decide to stage a fake engagement and wedding just for the gifts"

The main guy Joseph Lawrence plays Vince - Totally hot hot hot stuff!
and Melissa Joan Hart plays Jennifer, she is hilarious. 

This movie was very predictable. I knew exactly what was going to happen before the main part of the story actually happened. However, as predictable as it was, the movie was much better than I thought it was going to be.

1 comment:

  1. this has been in my to watch list for a few months now lol


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